Sunday, December 25, 2022

Can t be bothered with online dating

Can t be bothered with online dating

can t be bothered with online dating

 · Like everytime I try to watch a movie, read a book or play a game, my attention span grows short fast and I either get bored or I just think, think, think. I try to draw or do any other hobby but procrastination gets in the way and I don't do much of it unless I feel really motivated. It seems all I want to do when I'm not out of the house is  · My friend just asked me if I'm planning on joining dating sites now lockdown is coming to an end. I can't be bothered. I'm happily single. Nice house, just DD and I. DP has her EOW which gives me time to spend on my hobbies. I work full time, love my job and I'm financially comfortable. One of my hobbies is hiking, I'm in a hiking group that Online dating is long periods of boredom, followed by short periods of interest, disgust, amusement, intrigue, disgust, boredom and potentially a relationship - or not. a relationship

Dating when you cant really be bothered? | Mumsnet

Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. Been dating a guy for around 8 weeks and I thought I really liked him.

His home life situation at the minute is a mess but he is working towards sorting it out asap. Up until last week I was so excited about seeing him but today I just feel nothing.

Is it doomed? Could you suggest you do something different? Is it the messy home life plus unavailability due to work in combination making you think 'sod this, I'm not getting in too deep emotionally'? Probably pretty sensible if so. Unless you're certain it's a 'no', you could still go on the date and leave the possibility open. I wouldn't be spending loads of time on the phone or messaging while he's away though. It's fine to change your mind about someone in the early days, I find the best thing is to end it soon as you feel disinterested, don't keep him hanging on if you don't feel it.

Perhaps as your not going to be seeing him the next two weeks, can t be bothered with online dating good timing anyway. Do what you want. If you want to stay home, do that. It's not about whether the relationship 'is doomed'.

That's a dramatic interpretation. The fact is that if you have a successful relationship, it'll be one in which you can do what you want, and feel free to do so. So, if you do that now, and it 'dooms' things, it wasn't the right relationship for you. I'd just tell him can t be bothered with online dating sorry to let him down, but you really don't feel like going out today, have a good couple of weeks, and 'hopefully see you after that'. I imagine that your instincts are probably saying 'No time to see me for a whole fortnight, can t be bothered with online dating, and messy home life he's having to sort out?

Can't be bothered, to be honest I feel like if you're not bothered only 8 months in regardless of the situation, you're just not that into him.

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DEBATE: Is Online Dating bad for us? If you aren't hot, dont bother.

, time: 23:10

Dating when you cant really be bothered? | Mumsnet

can t be bothered with online dating

Option number 1. The slower method is about building trust and rapport. The best way to do this is to suggest moving away from the dating site to a more personal method of communication.  · Been dating a guy for around 8 weeks and I thought I really liked him. His home life situation at the minute is a mess but he is working towards sorting it out asap. I am supposed to be meeting him this afternoon and I should be getting ready but I’m just sitting here. I just can’t be bothered. I don’t know what’s changed. Up until last Cant be bothered talking?, I cant be bothered paying. Venting In my early to mid 20s (basically around to about ) I never seemed to have a problem getting dates and picking up women (unlike now where I regularly have to blow the

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